Run the document in Interactive Mode. Select the 'Advanced' section under 'Document Properties' on the left pane, and make sure to uncheck the. Open a document in the Document Editor. A dataset is a MicroStrategy report that is used on a document. We would like to feature some MicroStrategy dashboards in our hub sites using the iframe or application layout cards, similar to how we're doing with Tableau. Add a Panel Selector. When you move the cursor to the Layout area, the pointer becomes crosshairs. Click Advanced, then New to create a custom subtotal. This issue has been classified as a defect by MicroStrategy. 0. Click New Dossier. By being only one page long, an RS dashboard makes it easy to view the entire document at the same time and see. From a project in MicroStrategy Web, navigate to the folder containing the document. You can insert an image such as a logo into a document. x, under Editable mode. MyAttributeEqual2. Open a document in Design or Editable Mode. To export the report to Microsoft Excel as plain text, select Excel with plain text. Below is an example of a fully embedded Dossier/Dashboards within MicroStrategy Library. On the “Add New Media” page, click on the “Select Files” button. Add content to an existing document. 2. A sales team might use a business dashboard to connect data. Select the Show check box to ensure that the legend is displayed on the graph. However, if the administrators or MicroStrategy Technical Support require. Go to the Properties and Formatting window and make both the panel stacks content. The default grid visualization will appear. The tooltip also displays as pop-up text, but only in MicroStrategy Web. I am trying to fetch the selector value from the xml file of my dashboard, there is a selector for which the values in. Create or edit reports with authoring functionality. In the Publish Options form, select Get Link. Now, these two images will link to the two selected panel stacks respectively, as shown in the image below. swf and xml file attachments. You can modify export options in the User Preferences page. Live Demonstrate PBI August 30, 2023. This feature is not available when using Visual Insight dashboards. Click on the Header/Footer tab. Upload FilesOr drop files. MicroStrategy Intelligence Server receives the request and processes it. Select Link. You can create a document with multiple datasets, and you can add more datasets after you create a document. Below are known limitations experienced when working with Compound Grids in MicroStrategy 2020: You cannot double click on objects in the Datasets panel to add them to the Compound Grid. Zebra BI in Excel. You can insert text fields, images, lines, panel stacks, and other controls in a document with the options listed in the Insert toolbar. See the previous images above to see how the row headers should now appear. URLs that point to the same MicroStrategy Web server as the one that you are using are not supported. Paste the CSS for the style and the javascript code into the Code Editor tab. In MicroStrategy Web, open the document in Design Mode. 1. To add a custom header or footer: Open or run a report. It builds on basic concepts about reporting functionality presented in the Basic Reporting Guide. This javascript file is included in the MicroStrategyLibrary web application. For steps, see Starting MicroStrategy Web. Select one of the following export formats: To export the report to an Adobe PDF file, select PDF. Word Cloud visualizations do this by using font size and color to make important words appear bigger and bolder. In Design Mode, a document designer adds widgets to a document and defines them. This will open a window where you can browse your computer. Analysts can then display and interact with the widget in both MicroStrategy Web and MicroStrategy Developer. And then in the first document, import the second. This enables developers to have a background color for the entire document and keep an aesthetic uniform look. Right-click in the Embed Code box, and click Copy. When you want to embed the document, switch to HTML editing and press Ctrl+V (or ⌘+V on a Mac) to paste the embed code. Selector: The following options are available for selectors. Tile grid map is an abstraction of the map data to solve the issue of difference in sizes causing issues with shading and making it difficult to compare geographic information. If a message is displayed asking if you want to use read only mode or edit mode, select Edit and click OK to open the Attribute Editor in edit mode so that you can make changes to the attribute. The full block character can be created in a Word document by using the shortcut key 2588, Alt+X or by inserting a symbol and searching for the Full Block character. For example, each member of a team of document designers creates complex documents for his own department, such as human resources or finance. Below are the steps to enable/disable the settings of data blending: 1. Create two Panel Stacks: Grid View and Graph View. 9. Select the Copilot icon in the left margin of your. Add Selector targetting all reports for Year (drop down). Drag and drop the . To define your condition by selecting attribute elements from a list: Choose the Select option. Insert an image object specifying the folder path into which R will create an image file based on the metric values. Functions —These are powerful tools used in expressions to define MicroStrategy objects and initiate complex user-defined calculations. 0 and add a derived attribute, right clicking an attribute and selecting Insert new attribute. Creating a multi-layout document. For more information on dossier design, see Dossier Authoring Best Practices from a MicroStrategy Expert. This can be defined in the 'User preferences' -> Export Reports -> Export Header and Footer -> Edit custom settings. 2. Right-click the header of the attribute whose elements you want to use to. In the Visualizations pane, select the "Web View" visual. 5. Make two grids with different attributes and metrics in each 3. Number of Views 1,24K. Data (attributes, consolidations, custom groups, and metrics) from the document's datasets. This has the ability to cause a performance issue when the number of components in the document increases significantly. Adding rectangles. A widget is a type of MicroStrategy Report Services control that presents data in a visual and interactive way. x Control Document. You can change what is searched by selecting the project or a folder from. Click the link for the desired manual or other documentation source. 3. From the Data menu, select Report Data Options. Define a link to R2 and for the prompt resolution for Region prompt select "Answer Dynamically". The link can pass parameters to answer any prompts that are in the target. Before you export, set the. By default, the title bar, which displays either the panel stack title or the panel name to help identify the panel. For example, in TypePad, go to Blogs, click the name. Create the derived metric and click OK. Case ( [Metric Selector]="Rebates", Discount, [Metric Selector]="Sales", Revenue, 0)BI Learning: Creating a Dynamic Enterprise Dashboard. Toggle the filter values. Go to View > Sections. 1. 4. The default Microstrategy Tutorial (Direct) project is simply pointing to the 3 local MS Access databases for the data and metadata. 3. Under General in the Navigation section, check Is Hyperlink. If projects are distributed asymmetrically across the cluster, when you assign an event-triggered schedule to a project, make sure you trigger the event on all nodes on which that project is loaded. Open a document in the Document Editor. The impact of the issue described in this document is limited to report services documents being run on Android devices that were created using one of the iPhone or iPad templates in MicroStrategy Web 9. The text field is added at the top left corner of the selected section, but you can. In MicroStrategy Web, open the document in Design or Editable Mode. Change the “Supported Orientations” to “Landscape only”: Step 3. The Properties and Formatting dialog box opens. MicroStrategy 9, MicroStrategy Distribution Services, MicroStrategy MultiSource Option, MicroStrategy Command Manager, MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager, MicroStrategy Object Manager, MicroStrategy Reporting Suite, MicroStrategy Power User, MicroStrategy Analyst, MicroStrategy Consumer, To open and interact with a document (in default PDF View) From a project in MicroStrategy Developer, navigate to the folder containing the document. This "How to" technical note describes a way to hide the metrics columns from a document grid in MicroStrategy 10. Environment. browse button So firstly, source field. Analysts can then display and interact with the widget in both MicroStrategy Web and MicroStrategy Developer. Click Shared Reports. Create a report with Year and Revenue and name it 'Alert Report'. Define a link to R2 and for the prompt resolution for Region prompt select "Answer Dynamically". This issue has been classified as a defect by MicroStrategy. However, the SQL used to execute the report can still be viewed and obtained. Customize the format of the imported document; 3. You will need to follow these steps: Inside the Report Services Document insert a text field (or an object which allow you to establish a link like an image)To Create the Item Order Form Document. Insert Toolbar. To apply different numeric formatting to the data labels, see Formatting Numeric Values on a Graph. 4 Hotfix 7. Automated Insights (Ai) helps organizations make better business decisions, faster. Built on the open and flexible architecture of MicroStrategy Report Services™ as Report Services Template (RST) files, templates provide a quick and intuitive method for designing dashboards. Displaying a list of selected elements in a Document or Dashboard can be easily accomplished using the ConcatAgg function. 0. Watch free 3-5 minutes tutorial videos, with subtitles available in 9 languages, to build product fluency! Start learning. Check other tables and select/deselect correct tables. 1. Word cloud visualizations can be a powerful business tool. : You cannot insert a section into the Detail section. 1. b. ), and execute Java programs. Supports multiple element selections. Create a simple dashboard in MicroStrategy Web and insert an image. Utilize any of the following design options when creating a document: Display theme for a document; Display theme for an objectAs document designers create documents, they specify the data that appears and control the layout, formatting, grouping, and subtotaling of data. A document designer can create a Transaction Services-enabled document to allow analysts to approve requests, track business activity, and execute business. Click OK. From the Position drop-down list, specify whether the legend is positioned to the Right, Left, or at the Bottom of the graph. Go to Insert > Object. Video Tutorial - Installing a Custom Visualization for use on MicroStrategy Dashboards. For detailed steps, see the MicroStrategy Web Help. Add a text field using one of the following methods depending on your goal for the text field: •. 0-10. On the dataset "Generic Metrics List". Run the report. Grids formatting, contrasts, transparency, global formatting and KPI summaries. 4. After converting a VI Dashboard to a document, the ‘Export to Excel’ option is not available when executing the document: CAUSE The ‘Export to Excel’ option is disabled by default in converted documents. Detail Levels You can now select the level of detail exported from your dossier. Open the document in the Document Editor. The example provided in this document is provided “as-is” and user has read the following customization warning: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The MicroStrategy SDK allows you to customize several MicroStrategy products and extend and integrate the MicroStrategy business intelligence functionality into other applications. The purpose of this knowledge base article is to explain how to pass selections of multiple selectors to a document using URL API in MicroStrategy Web 10. 1. To add a mailto link to your document, use the steps below. Open a document in the Document Editor. 1. x: In MicroStrategy Web, create a new report with attribute Store in the row and metric Cost in the column. Click the Enterprise Reporting Documents folder. Notice that the Edit option is grayed out. Link to a report or a document. Execute the document and the R generated graph is displayed in the document as shown below: Formatting text fields. The Embedding SDK allows you to quickly integrate a MicroStrategy dossier into a web application in a responsive manner. You can add a report to a document in any of the following ways: • If the document already contains the dataset that will populate the report with data, then do one of the following:. The bigger the Dashboard size the. In the Datasets pane, select the object or objects by which to group. Without data, the dashboard will not show the user anything. This document explains how to format a graph report so that it appears entirely on one page with a scroll bar, as shown below:. In MicroStrategy Web, log in to the Tutorial project. Creating documents. Do one of the following to create a new layout: To create a new layout using a Report Services (RS) dashboard template, click the Dashboard Layoutstab, then select a template. Ceate Report Services document D1 based on R1. In MicroStrategy Web, open the document in Design or Editable Mode. x reports display the 'Metrics' column on the report grids by default. Because there are no standard sizes for Android devices, dashboards created using iOS templates (iPhone or iPad) may not render. X - 9. To insert a section. Notice how 'Body' is no longer a section, as. Format this dashboard yourself with the help of this 2 minutes video. The text source can be data such as metadata tags on a web site or any free form text. This toolbar is available in Design and Editable Modes. so you can still create and execute reports, but cannot run the documents/dashboards. In MicroStrategy Web, create a report with the Region attribute. Advanced color threshold — The Advanced Threshold Editor displays a list of all thresholds currently defined for a visualization. Choose File > New Dossier. I will also demonstrate how to use panel stacks, s. Show Title Bar: Determines whether the title bar of the selector is displayed when a user views the document. MicroStrategy URL Parameters. x does not keep track of the object dependency between Report Services documents and reports used as datasets for the documents. The document opens in PDF View, in Acrobat Reader. '. The New Grid dialog box opens. Select the hyperlink icon on the text box menu. 3. Notice that there is no. ACTION To see sample dashboards in MicroStrategy Web. In WEB – design mode – you’ll see on the left all your selected objects for the dataset. Click Shared Reports. MicroStrategy Dashboard Templates facilitate dashboard design by providing you with preformatted customized templates. In this tutorial, you learn how to create a dashboard dynamically using a template and existing. Specifically, this guide provides the following information:The data from the datasets is used to populate the report. Now, when users view this report, the custom header or footer is shown. Click on "share" . The Export to Excel dialog box opens. From the File menu, click Open. From the Home menu, select Export, and then select the required output format. Create a dashboard and add the report to the first panel. 5) In the Edit Links window editor, set the following options as seen below and. An RS dashboard is commonly only one page long, is intended to be viewed online, and usually provides interactive features that let analysts change how they view the RS dashboard's data. Tile grid map is an abstraction of the map data to solve the issue of difference in sizes causing issues with shading and making it difficult to compare geographic information. From MicroStrategy Education, this lesson teaches you how to create create dashboards using templates on the MicroStrategy Web platform. Export the dashboard to PDF and notice that the image displays as a broken red X. Open Workstation. If you select Not in List, then the attribute elements in the Selected list will not be included in the threshold condition. In the Run Modes area, select the format (s) in which the document can be exported: •. To export a report while viewing it, click the name of a grid report to display it. Run the report and hover the mouse over the attribute and notice that the tooltip displays the desired text, as shown below. It is possible to re-write the URLs to be more dynamic to reduce the maintenance required; however, note that doing so will render the links unusable in PDF. For instructions, see Adding panel stacks to documents. 3) Insert the HTML Container (From Insert menu or go for short-cut icons with HTML tag symbol. Click the check mark icon. The Embedding SDK allows you to quickly integrate a MicroStrategy dossier into a web application in a responsive manner. A demo that describes how to create and use MicroStrategy Dashboards. swf and xml file attachments. <xsl. On your own from start to finish using Design Mode or Editable Mode, which allow you to select the information to be included and the formatting of the document (see Creating a document from scratch ). When you move the cursor to the Layout area, the pointer becomes crosshairs. Zebra BI for Power Tip. To remove the tab from being visible, follow these steps: Go to design mode for the document where the 'Layout' tab is no longer desired and under the 'Tools' tab, select the 'Document Properties' option: A new window will open. If you use an index value, you specify it using base 0. Interacting with a Document: Selectors. After adding a description in the properties for a report object in MicroStrategy Web 10. Double-click the attribute to edit. Add a Grid visualizations from Report 2. Using the export to excel option from the grid header outputs an Excel file with the full-screen content of the dashboard even though the desired content was only a grid from the dashboard . Express View Mode. 4. 3) Edit the document and insert a text box or an image in the place you want the Refresh button. x, users expect to see the description appear in the tooltip when hovering above the object. 3. Create a blank Report Services document with the above report. Right-click a control and choose Properties and Formatting. Expand the document section where you want the image by clicking the plus sign next to the section name. Controls are the objects that display the data, images, and shapes in a document. 2. If the document is rendered in full screen mode by default, the height of the document page should be set to 1334-40=1294. A red hashed border displays around the Grid/Graph, and the menu options and toolbar change. If the designers do not have access to the image, they cannot see the image while creating the document. This metric is used for getting "1" value for all rows. Simply download the file, extract its contents, and use it as the basis of your code as you follow the steps. Select the Show Tooltip (Web Only) check box. Create a new dashboard using report created at step 1 as. . . The list of supported hardware and Mobile OS versions remains the same as the MicroStrategy Mobile Platform App. Then click File at the top of the screen and Open…. While dossiers are a great proposition when self-service, collaboration, responsive design, and fast content creation are key requirements; documents are still your best. To enhance PDF viewing performance, open Acrobat. The Dossier is also interacting with. Introduction to Attributes. Search Box selector: In this new style selector as we type in the search box for an element it shows the matching list of elements so the user can select among the displayed. Formatting options, such as borders and background colors, apply to the HTML container itself, not to anything placed inside the container. Formatting options include font, alignment, borders (including 3D borders and drop shadows), text layout. Navigate to the dossier (s) or document (s) you want to push to people's libraries. In MicroStrategy Web, navigate to a document which will become a layout within the multi-layout document you are creating. You'll find everything from waterfall charts to word clouds in our community. Click the place in the document where you want to insert the file. Filters in MicroStrategy are built from Attributes. 2. list. The Document Properties dialog box opens. From the Insert menu, select Text. The panel stack is added to the document, with a single panel. 3. In a report, right-click an object and select Edit Links. An RS dashboard is a special type of document. Click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending on the toolbar. After the document is exported, the content of the document is displayed using the default settings in Microsoft Excel. x as shown below:Create a Visual Insight dashboard in MicroStrategy Web. This is a first of many Dashboard videos and focuses on creating Dashboard templates that are reusable and can be moved between projects and project sources. Do one of the following to create a new layout: To create a new layout using a Report Services (RS) dashboard template, click the Dashboard Layoutstab, then select a template. Drag the data set onto to. Here's how: Open your Power BI report in Power BI Desktop. To define a specific subtotal displays for a report like the one shown above, follow the steps below: Select Subtotals from the Data menu. A code fix for this issue is available in current releases. The refresh behavior preference can be set to a different default value using a system defaults change with the MicroStrategy Web SDK. Click any of the documents listed on the right side of MicroStrategy Web, to execute it and see the results. 1. Tile grid map is an abstraction of the map data to solve the issue of difference in sizes causing issues with shading and making it difficult to compare geographic information. To create a static label, type text: a. Limit grid elements to those we. In a document, right-click a grid/graph displayed as a grid, and select Edit Grid. Other document components that do not originate from the dataset, such as static text used for a title or heading, page numbers, and images, are added by the document's designer and are stored in the document's definition. Under Categories, expand Display, and then select Null Values. x. Dossier’s intuitive, drag-and-drop interface enables you to display and explore your data in seconds. Notice that the image displays with no issue in MicroStrategy Web. Create a Dashboard using both Reports as datasets. Approach. Notice that there is no. Introduction to the Embedding SDK. The text fields can contain data, or can be filled in from the input object. To create a multi-layout document Click OK. Powerful filtering options, with new visual filters. MicroStrategy Web provides a wide range of parameters that can be used in combination to achieve different types of requests. Embedding Dashboards: Learn how to embed Dashboards from the MicroStrategy platform into external applications. This business requirements document template is a quick and easy guide to creating your own BRD. MicroStrategy Intelligence Server can send email messages in different scenarios such as through Distribution Services email subscriptions, the "Send Now" option on reports or dashboards, administrative notification emails, Collaboration Server notification emails etc. Click Apply. 4. You can modify project-wide graph settings in the User Preferences page. Expand the document section where you want the image by clicking the plus sign next to the section name. Key features of the dossiers, that available for both web and mobile users are: A more modern interface with intuitive menu options for both analysts and consumers. 1. A dataset includes all of the report's elements–attributes, custom groups, consolidations, and metrics. Save and assign a name to the file like “My_first_connection_file. 0 and add a derived attribute, right clicking an attribute and selecting Insert new attribute. Click the Selector icon in the toolbar, and then choose how to display the selector from the drop-down list. Sample URLs for exporting a Report Services document to PDF are shown below. (A dataset is a set of data that can be displayed on a document; it can be a MicroStrategy report, a MicroStrategy Intelligent Cube, or data imported directly from an external data source. The Report Data Options dialog box opens. Go to Insert and select the arrow next to Object . Adding lines. When these reports are used in a Report Services document, the same 'Metrics' column is displayed, as shown below:import data into MicroStrategy Desktop, for use in creating dashboards. 07-28-2021 12:49 PM. Select a control from the Insert toolbar or menu, then click an area in the document to place the control. Choose to enable this to "True". Enter the text of the desired macro or your own static text. For details on analyzing documents in the different modes, see the MicroStrategy Web Help. Open a report, create a text box, and add some text. MicroStrategy Web. Below are instructions to achieve this in a Report Services Document. Creating a powerful dossier is as simple as importing. 3. Salesforce Reports Homepage. create a derived metric named "Metric Selector". In D1, insert R1 as a grid, insert an element selector for Year, and a blank panel stack, as shown below: 4. 4) Right-click on the text box and select Edit Links. Select to view in Portable Document Format. Approach. 5. We have found that educated users are more likely to use the product on a daily basis. To add a derived element to a document, open the document in Editable Mode. Excel with plain text: Export the report to Microsoft Excel as plain text. x, what is the difference between the "Create New Report" option. Get inspiration at the MicroStrategy data visualization gallery. The property is named "document grids from multiple datasets" and defaults to enabled but can be set to disabled. By empowering data-driven organizations with Ai’s proprietary natural language generation (NLG) platform, Wordsmith, businesses are able to deliver the right insight, to the right person, at the right time and in the easiest-to-understand medium—the written word. This is shown in the picture below: Users can select to insert some customized text by clicking on the icons shown in the picture. On the dataset "Revenue & Discount by Category, Country, Month" create a new derived metric "KPI" defined as follows. Documents can appear in almost as many ways as you can imagine and are generally formatted to suit your business needs, in a single display of presentation quality. Stay in the flow and let Copilot help you add more to your document. Go to Advance Formatting > Alignment, uncheck "Wrap Text," and then click 'Apply,' as shown below: Users will notice now that the text is still. From a project in MicroStrategy Web, navigate to the folder containing the document. To enhance PDF viewing performance, open Acrobat Reader before opening the document. For example, if you insert the auto-text Report Name into the header of a report named Monthly Sales, Monthly Sales is displayed in the header when the report is exported. An example of an Information Window in an iPad document is shown below: In this example, the Region column in the grid is used as a selector. The Code Editor tab should be open. To add a section to a document. The Properties and Formatting dialog box opens. 5. To add a text field to a document. Transform your apps quickly and deliver a personalized analytics experience with unmatched performance for each user. In the sample code, you reference the embeddinglib. In MicroStrategy Cloud Express, under the Advanced team, create a new dashboard, like shown below. When the request is received, MicroStrategy Web application uses this value to redirect the request to the target associated with this event. From the list of document templates, click Blank Document. 4. x . You can add one or more datasets to the. Go to project configuration by right clicking on specific project (You need admin rights to do this). Create a blank Report Services document with the above report. The pop-up text does not display in MicroStrategy Web, but you can add a tooltip to display the URL or any other information. Create a Report Services Document named Customer Profit and Revenue Document using the above report as a dataset. You can add controls to the panel, in the same way you add controls to other parts of the document. Choose Graph > Display > Data Label. 0, and right click the document, you will notice that the Edit option is greyed out as seen below:. 5) Run the dashboard/document. Open a report. For steps to create a panel stack, see the Dashboards and Widgets Creation Guide. When you specify an image by supplying the source. Switch to the Document Editor to add formatting and fine-tune the document. In the Source area, select a database instance for the database to access using Freeform SQL. To open a document in Editable Mode, from a folder, right-click the document, point to Run as, and select Editable. In the detail header section, add a grid with Year in the row and Cost in the column, add a text box with the text "TEST", drag the attribute Year to the Grouping,.